Understanding Penetration Depth in MicroXRF Analysis

by Bryan DeVerse, IRXF Systems (see original article here)

In the realm of non-destructive analytical techniques, micro X-ray fluorescence (microXRF, microEDXRF, µXRF, µEDXRF) has emerged as a versatile tool for elemental characterisation of various samples. This unique method offers valuable insights into the composition and chemical state of the materials being analyzed. However, one of the most commonly asked questions about this technique is: “What is the penetration depth of  X-ray radiation into a sample?” In this article, IXRF Systems’ Bryan DeVerse addresses this question, considering several influencing factors that determine this depth.


  • Determining factors
    • energy, density, atomic number, xrf technique
  • XRF Information Depths
  • How deep can X-rays penetrate?
  • Conclusion

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