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IXRF ATLAS M : micro XRF Spectrometer
Micro X-ray Fluorescence (μXRF) Hyperspectral Imaging Elemental Analyser
IXRF Systems’ ATLAS M benchtop microEDXRF (micro XRF) spectrometer is the latest general purpose micro spot energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (EDXRF) spectrometer microscope for the measurement and mapping of elements from sodium (Na) through uranium (U). Designed to image and analyse a wide variety of sample types, ATLAS leads the industry in virtually every major specification category from the most powerful software and the highest detector active area, to our superior perpendicular (normal) X-ray tube geometry geometry and smallest micro spot.
Hardware specifications are only half of the ATLAS AdvantageTM. The ATLAS software platform is simply unsurpassed. The functional, flexible, and feature-rich software suite guarantees unprecedented production. ATLAS is not just an instrument, it is the Micro-XRF roadmap of the future.
- Benchtop / tabletop form factor
- Spot size down to 5 microns with anti-halo optic
- SDD detectors w/ active area up to 150 mm2
- Large chamber volume
- 50 kV / 50 W polycapillary optic X-ray source
- Multi-point/multi-area automation & mapping
- Air, vacuum, helium for solids, liquids, and powders
- Iridium Ultra software running on Windows™ 10 OS
The 5 micron advantage
With the smallest X-ray spot in the industry at 5 μm, this unique XRF microscope is optimised for analysis speed without compromising accuracy.
When it comes to XRF microscopic imaging (mapping), smaller is always better. Pictured, is a TEM grid. The image on the left was captured using the ATLAS M’s 5 μm X-ray spot. The inferior image on the right was taken with a 10 micron X-ray spot.

Superior geometry
- Perpendicular micro XRF geometry allows for circular excitation down to 5 μm for highest resolution.
- Beam is normal to the surface for most accurate hyperspectral imaging as beam is NOT an ellipse
- Competitor’s inferior angled geometry only allows smallest spot to be 25 microns due to the ellipse.
Unmatched speed
- Mix and match up to 4 Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD)
- For the largest possible solid angle collection efficiency
- Up to 600 mm2 active area
- Available resolutions: ≤130-145 eV resolution
- Highest count rate with the smallest micro-XRF spot for fast high-res images

- 50 kV / 50 W / 1 mA Rh target (others available) X-ray tube
- Polycapillary focusing optic
- Filter wheel with up to 7 filters (plus open position) before the focusing optic
- Available primary X-ray spot sizes: 5 , 10, 20 or 40 μm
- Optional second X-ray tube, with a choice of anodes, is available with spot sizes of 200, 500 or 1000 μm

- Mix and match up to 4 Silicon Drift Detectors (SDD)
- For increased precision and/or reduced acquisition times
- 50 mm2 to 150 mm2 active area
- Highest resolution to highest counting rate
- Available resolutions: ≤130-145 eV resolution
- Peltier cooling

High precision stages
- Motorised XY, Z optional
- Speeds up to 300mm/s
- Map acquisitions at ≤ 1ms/pixel
- Accuracy < 1µm
- Custom adapters available
Chamber and geometry
- Chamber size: 508 x 457 x 254 mm (20 x 18 x 10 inches)
- Top-down perpendicular geometry from tube to sample
- Mapping area: 220 x 200 mm under automatic control
- Sample view: 3 sample positioning and analysis cameras
- Samples may be positioned manually with the door open

Iridium Ultra™ for Windows® 10
- Energy dispersive X-ray fluorescence (microEDXRF) spectroscopic software
- Fundamental Parameters (FP) for solids, liquids, powders and particles
- Thin film FP for up to 8 layers including an infinite base or substrate
- Automatic treatment for sum/escape peaks and full deconvolution
- Up to 8 acquisition conditions per analysis
- Hyperspectral EDXRF mapping and imaging, up to 4096 x 4096 pixels
- Every pixel is a full EDXRF spectrum
- Principal component analysis (PCA) for phase mapping
- Materials classification database

Acquisition and quantitation
- One-click acquisition and automatic peak identification
- Customisable identification, labeling, processing, and quantification
- Scrolling periodic chart
- Drag and drop overlay
- Automatic overlap correction, sum/escape peak removal, background correction, and linear/non-linear deconvolution
- Fundamental Parameters (FP) and Quantitative Match
- Material classification database
Imaging and analysis
- Multi-Point automated analysis directly from image
- Morphological processing for rapid feature size measurements
- Image stitching and montage
- Segmentation and feature segregation
- Particle analysis package
- Including border removal, sorting and exclusion
- Classification by composition
Mapping and linescans
- Simultaneous acquisition of 35 elements
- Stored spectral data for every pixel
- Live spectrum display during acquisition
- Single or multiple map acquisition from image
- Overview or spot camera
- Map stitching and montage
- Extract spectra from map: point, area, freehand
- Create linescan from map
- Mouse-over view intensities and concentrations
- Phase Analysis
- Multi-compositional map display
- Of element and compound ranges
- Overlay linescans on image
Specialty and automation
- Multilayer thin film and coatings analysis up to 8 layers
- Serpentine continuous mapping (dual directional mapping)
- ASTM E2926-13 Glass Analysis
- Track, store, and recall all stage locations and images
Imaging / mapping flow
- Create multiple X-ray maps on any region on the sample
- Define map parameters directly from video image
- Combine pixels to create analysis regions
- Regions are summed to create a composite spectrum
- Automatically identify elemental peaks
- Apply analytical quantification method
- Analytical results are displayed as a graphic

- Elemental range: Sodium (Na) through uranium (U)
- Sample types: Solids, liquids, particles, powders and thin films
- Sample chamber size: 508 x 457 x 254 mm (20 x 18 x 10 inches)
- Analysis atmosphere: Air, vacuum or He(g) purge
- Primary X-ray source: 50 W max power, 50 kV @ 1 mA
- Optional secondary X-ray source: 4-12 W max power, 40-60 kV @ 0.4-1 mA
- X-ray source optics: Polycapillary or aperture collimation
- X-ray source anode: Rhodium (others optionally available)
- X-ray source spot size (primary): 5 μm standard (optional: 10, 20 or 40 μm)
- X-ray source filters: Up to 7 plus an open position
- Primary X-ray source geometry: Top-down beam (perpendicular to sample stage)
- Detector(s): 1 standard, optionally up to a maximum of 4
- Detector types: Silicon drift detector (SDD) standard (PIN-diode is optionally available)
- Detector active area: 50 to 150 mm2, up to 600 mm2 w/ 4 detectors
- Sample stage type: Motorised X,Y and Z (optional)
- Sample stage travel: 320(W) x 320(D) x 210(H) mm
- Mapping travel: 220(X) x 200(Y) mm
- Mapping scan speed: 1-3 ms/pixel
- Stage XY speed: Up to 300 mm/s
- Sample view: 3 cameras for sample positioning and analysis
- Operating system: SFF PC w/ Microsoft® Windows™ 10 OS
- Analysis and control software: Iridium Ultra: provides complete control of parameters, filters, cameras, optical microscopes, sample illumination and positioning, and measurement media
- Quality and safety: CE marked, RoHS, radiation < 0.5 μSv/h
- Dimensions: 951(L) x 556(W) x 564(H) mm (38 x 22 x 22 inches)
- Power: 100-240 V, 1 phase, 50/60 Hz
Supplier Info
Periodic Table
Quantify elements from sodium (Na) through uranium (U) In any sample type: solids, liquids, powders, particles and thin films From low parts-per-million (PPM) to 100 wt.% Hyperspectral microscopic imaging where every pixel is a complete spectra Mapping, linescans, multi-point and single point quantification
Forensic Glass Analysis
Full compliance with ASTM E-2926-13 Automation software option for analysing glass for forensic court cases Software Features: Simple “Wizard” software approach for standard calibrations. Automatically calculates difficult ratios and statistics required Automatically creates Excel spread sheets as required reporting structure for court cases
Life Sciences
Hyperspectral XRF microscopy From anatomy to biology to botany and beyond 100% Nondestructive Unlike a SEM, there is no coating or sample prep Works with non-conductive samples Automatically produce quantitative analysis for each pixel
Forensics for Paint Chips
Very powerful forensic tool capable of single or multi-spot analysis Hyperspectral XRF microscopic elemental quantitative imaging To identify distribution of elements within a sample Paint chip and paint layer analysis is a common forensic application Differentiate closely related samples By the coating, paint, or base coat in any combination
Circuit Board Inspection
Fast X-ray mapping for electronics’ inspections A complete X-ray Spectrum for each pixel in the map Measure thin gold and palladium coatings on PCBs Measure coating thickness of Cu, Ni, etc. Measure solder composition RoHS / WEEE compliance
Lead Frame Imaging
Measurements on very small flat components and structures such as conducting paths, contacts or lead frames Measurements of typical multi-coating systems on lead frames, e.g., AuAg/Pd/Ni/CuFe or Au/Pd/Ni/CuFe in the nanometer range Determination of the phosphorous content in NiP coatings Measurements of functional coatings in the electronics and semiconductor industries Determination of complex multi-coating systems
Cement and Aggregate
Elemental mapping of concrete and cements may be performed with ATLAS providing the analyst with the opportunity to visually and chemically inspect the physical sample XRF is the established technique to control the quality and conformity of the final cement product Phase mapping of concrete cores provides quantitative aggregate distribution data
Wafer Metrology
Sn/Ag Bump/Pillar measurements Light elements Metal film stack composition such as CIGS Cu CMP control at BEOL Multi-stack structures Sputtering targets Thermal barrier coating Thickness and composition control
Trace XRF spectrometry mapping at 5 microns Trace analysis of metal impurities and inclusions Non-destructive elemental analysis Quality control / quality assurance Particle analysis Distribution and/or phase analysis
With stage mapping, large samples can be quickly mapped for identification of prohibited materials It is not necessary y to know what elements are present before collecting a map Elements can be added as the spectrum grows and peaks become evident ATLAS X offers the largest sample chamber in the industry
CIGS Solar Cells
Analysis of thin film photovoltaic cells is commonly performed with Micro-XRF With ATLAS, it is possible to measure structures under vacuum for superior results For in-line control during the production process as well as for final testing Quantification for layer thicknesses are in very good agreement with WDXRF results