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InfraTec Variocam Industrial Thermal Cameras
Stationary infrared cameras
The VarioCAM series are more suited for hand-held and/or mobile applications such as aerial thermography or preventive maintenance. There is a wide range of both hardware and software options available to allow one to configure an Infratec thermal imaging camera to their specific measurement requirement.
Plus, the modern thermography software family IRBIS ® 3 developed in-house by InfraTec is the ideal tool for fast analysis of thermography measurement data.
- High resolution cooled MWIR and LWIR cameras – up to 1,920 x 1,536 pixels
- Fast frame rates, motorised lenses and high temperature thermography (up to 3000 deg C)
- Hand-held uncooled LWIR cameras with opto-mechanical spatial resolution enhancement (Microscan)
- Industrial IP67 rated cameras for operation in harsh environments
PIR uc 605
InfraTec’s radiometric infrared camera module PIR uc 605 is designed for universal use and enables the entry into stationary thermal imaging for research and development as well as into process optimisation. A great entry-level camera.
- Uncooled microbolometer FPA detector with (640 × 480) IR pixels
- Small and robust light metal housing enables extensive range of applications
- Includes comprehensive control and analysis software for a wide range of measuring tasks and applications

VarioCAM® HDx head 600
Infrared camera VarioCAM® HDx head 600 shows its strength wherever there is a need for fixed installation in harsh industrial environments or laboratory tasks require computer-based support. Compact housing dimensions and minimal weight allow easy integration into existing system environments.
- Detector in (640 × 480) IR pixels format
- GigE-Vision interface for camera control and data acquisition
- High-quality light metal housing with optional protection degree of up to IP67*

VarioCAM® HD Z
Infrared thermography system with 6× infrared zoom lens for thermal analysis of processes with an unprecedented attention to detail for the user.
- Microbolometer detector with (1,024 × 768) IR pixels
- High-performance zoom lens with 25 to 150 mm focal length
- Spectral range (7.5 … 14) μm
- Real-time thermography up to 30 Hz full frame rate
- Customised installation versions possible

VarioCAM® HD head 800
The worldwide unique infrared camera VarioCAM® HD head 800 with its latest detector technology in XGA format defines the premium segment of uncooled industrial cameras.
- Image format: (1,024 × 768) IR pixel
- Recording and storage of IR frames rates with up to 240 Hz
- GigE- and process interface
- Rugged light metal housing IP67*

VarioCAM® HD head 900
With its 3.1 megapixels in IR-format the worldwide unique infrared system VarioCAM® HD head 900 gives a new definition to the premium segment of uncooled industrial cameras and guarantees for precise infrared recordings in brilliant photographic quality.
- Image format: (2,048 × 1,536) IR pixel opto-mechanical MicroScan feature
- Recording and storage of IR frames rates with up to 240 Hz
- GigE- and process interface
- Rugged light metal housing IP67*

Supplier Info
Thermography in Medicine
Infrared camera systems help you to efficiently diagnose multiple illnesses with high certainty
Thermography in Automotive Industry
Infrared camera systems help you to secure a high product quality in production and at your suppliers
Thermography in Aerospace Industry
Comply with highest security demands by applying state-of-the-art infrared camera systems
Thermography in Chemical Industry
Systematically control reactive process heat and display with infrared camera systems of InfraTec
Thermography in Electronics and Electrical Industry
Measure temperature distributions of smallest electronic components with infrared cameras
Thermographic Biologic and Geologic Studies
Look for smallest temperature differences in landscapes, biotopes and labs using infrared camera models of highest measurement precision
Thermography in Glass Industry
Measure correctly temperature distributions behind and on glass by using selected spectral filters
Thermography in Metallurgy
Efficiently reduce the energy consumption of your metallurgic processes using infrared camera systems