Webinar: FusionScope Live Demo 🗓
Our colleagues at QD Microscopy offer you another webinar on the FusionScope – step by step correlative AFM and SEM Measurements. Register now and watch the live demonstration on Wednesday 17
Our colleagues at QD Microscopy offer you another webinar on the FusionScope – step by step correlative AFM and SEM Measurements. Register now and watch the live demonstration on Wednesday 17
Join our partners at Specim for this webinar about analysing hyperspectral data. There are two timeslots available. You don’t need any specialised expertise or programming skills.
Join our partners, Sigray, as they explore XANES/EXAFS of Batteries and Heterogenous Catalysts at Low Concentrations in this webinar.
Join our thermography partner InfraTec’s online event “Thermography Compact – Enter the World of Infrared Technology” and deepen your knowledge of thermography in a lively way.
The increasing demands for quality and lifetime of wearing parts, new materials and designs in braking systems require profound investigations on the relevant assemblies and components. This upcomi
Our partners, Sigray, will be hosting a webinar entitled “Cutting-edge in operando and time evolved Battery Research using Laboratory X-ray Analytical Techniques.” Oct 27/28 2021
This webinar featuring our colleague, Dr. Partha Das from Nanomegas has now passed but you can watch the recording!
Addressing Failure Analysis Challenges in Advanced Packages and MEMS using a novel Phase and Darkfield X-ray Imaging System.
Following on from our two previous webinars, we are proud to present a third.
Watch the webinar ! Join Lake Shore Cryotronics for a live webinar at 15:00 – 16:00 pm (BST) on 18 June 2020 exploring how to choose the right sensor and packaging for cryogenic thermometry
Simultaneous imaging of objects over a wide temperature range. We discuss the fundamentals of non-contact IR thermography and more!
WATCH NOW The combination of different analytical methods into one instrument is of great importance for the simultaneous acquisition of complementary information. Especially highly localised probi
QDUSA recently conducted a webinar about AC Susceptibility measurements using your PPMS, DynaCool, or VersaLab.
Watch the webinar ! New technology now makes it possible to research low-mobility materials on a tabletop Hall measurement system without the use of AC field. Watch this webinar and see a hands-on
Watch the webinar ! Earlier this year, our partners Specim announced the release of the Specim AFX-series, their drone-compatible hyperspectral solution. Now the Specim team are happy to invite yo