Model 350 Cryogenic Temperature Controller
The Model 350 ultra-low cryogenic temperature controller is a powerful physics tool. Designed for the demands of pumped He-3 refrigerators and other ultra-low and low temperature platforms, the Mod
The Model 350 ultra-low cryogenic temperature controller is a powerful physics tool. Designed for the demands of pumped He-3 refrigerators and other ultra-low and low temperature platforms, the Mod
Latest-generation design for ultra-low temperature applications The Model 372 AC resistance bridge and temperature controller builds on the solid foundation provided by the original Lake Shore AC r
Lake Shore offers a variety of temperature sensors in packages that enable mounting in very tight areas. But for some applications (especially if the sensors have to be immersed in liquid) you need
High reliability sensors The HR Series is a new line of high reliability cryogenic temperature sensors for mission-critical applications. Starting with our proven temperature sensor technology, we
CS capacitance sensors are ideally suited for use as cryogenic temperature control sensors in strong magnetic fields because they exhibit virtually no magnetic field dependence. Displacement curren
PT-100 platinum resistance thermometers (PRTs) are an excellent choice for use as cryogenic temperature sensing and control elements in the range from 30 K to 873 K (-243 °C to 600&
The TG-120 gallium-aluminium-arsenide (GaAlAs) diode cryogenic temperature sensors are particularly well suited for low to moderate magnetic field applications at low temperatures. The GaAlAs sensi
DT-670 Series silicon diodes offer better accuracy over a wider temperature range than any previously marketed silicon diodes. Conforming to the Curve DT-670 standard voltage versus temperature res
Ruthenium oxide temperature sensors are thick-film resistors, with most models suitable for use in applications involving magnetic fields. These composite sensors consist of bismuth ruthenate, ruth
Temperature measurement for the world’s greatest dilution refrigerators With the amazing progress made by dilution refrigerator manufacturers to push base temperatures well below 10 mK, the
Temporarily unavailable — please consider Cernox® as an alternative. Lake Shore germanium resistance temperature sensors are recognised as “Secondary Standard Thermometers” and have bee
High resolution, low noise, stabilised, digital VIS-SWIR InGaAs camera The OWL 640 Digital is a rugged, high sensitivity digital VIS-SWIR camera. Using a 640 x 512 InGaAs sensor from SCD, the camer
Cernox® thin film resistance cryogenic temperature sensors offer significant advantages over comparable bulk or thick film resistance sensors. The smaller package size of these thin film sens
Conduct Breakthrough Research with X-rays Alongside our partners, Sigray, IXRF Systems, and Moxtek, we are able to bring you an array of X-ray systems and sources.
High resolution uncooled thermal camera The Gobi 640 is perfectly suited for high-speed imaging in full 640×480 resolution with frame rates up to 50 Hz or higher in windowing mode. The Go
High speed MWIR camera extendable into the SWIR The Tigris-640 is a cooled midwave infrared (MWIR) camera equipped with a state-of-the-art InSb or MCT detector. This thermal camera is equippe
Fast speed and high dynamic range NIR/SWIR camera The Xeva is the flagship NIR/SWIR camera from Xenics – based on a thermoelectrically cooled InGaAs FPA (focal plane array). There are m
Ultra High Speed InGaAs Camera The Cheetah-640CL camera is the fastest InGaAs infrared camera in the world. The camera has been designed for applications where high speed imaging matter
Shortwave compact infrared camera The Bobcat is a low footprint, high performance camera based on a TE-stabilised InGaAs FPA (focal plane array). It has excellent low readout noise and low da
High performance flexible spectroscopy system The FERGIE is a revolutionary, compact, diffraction limited imaging spectrometer from Princeton Instruments – designed to make turn-key spectroscopy