Quantum Design UK and Ireland can arrange for calibrations of Lake Shore Cryotronics sensors, monitors and controllers. The service includes processing of all import and export. All calibrations of Lake Shore products are performed to internally developed and validated methods.
How often should calibrations take place?
We would recommend calibration, if possible, at least once per year.
Lake Shore offers three classifications of calibration:
Good | Uncalibrated | – Silicon diodes follow standard curve – Platinum resistors follow standard curve – Interchangeable Rox™ follow standard curve – Cernox®, germanium, and ULT Rox™ sensors can be purchased uncalibrated but must be calibrated by the customer |
Better | SoftCal™ | An abbreviated calibration (2-point: 77 K and 305 K; or 3-point: 77 K, 305 K, and 480 K) that is available for platinum sensors |
Best | Calibration | All sensors can be calibrated in various pre-defined temperature ranges for each sensor type. The digits represent the lower range in kelvin, and the letter corresponds to high temperature limit, where: A = 6 K B = 40 K D = 100 K L = 325 K M = 420 K H = 500 K J = 800 K For example: The calibration range “1.4L” would result in a sensor characterized from 1.4 K to 325 K. |

All calibration reports include:
- Certificate of calibration
- Calibration test data and data plot
- Polynomial fit equations and fit comparisons
- Interpolation tables
- Instrument breakpoint tables and data files
Lake Shore Sensor Calibrations
Lake Shore offers complete calibration services from 50 mK to 800 K. Above 0.65 K, Lake Shore calibrations are based on the International Temperature Scale of 1990 (ITS-90). For temperature below 0.65 K, calibrations are based on the Provisional Low Temperature Scale of 2000 (PLT-2000).
Each scale is maintained on a set of germanium, rhodium-iron, and/or platinum resistance secondary thermometers standards. These secondary standards are calibrated at various national labs: NIST, PTB, and NPL. Working thermometers are calibrated against, and routinely intercompared with these secondary standards. For PLTS-2000 calibrations, working sensors are also compared to a superconducting fixed point set and nuclear orientation thermometer.
Lake Shore offers sensor calibrations down to 10 mK. Their enhanced ultra-low temperature calibration facility includes dilution refrigerators, a nuclear orientation thermometer, and a superconducting fixed point set.

Do you have questions about calibrations?
Contact our Technical Sales Engineer, Dr. Alex Murphy by email or call (01372) 378822.