Combine the measurement power of a Lake Shore MeasureReady® M91 FastHall measurement controller with a Quantum Design PPMS.
In collaboration with Quantum Design, Lake Shore has created a measurement kit to offer a complete Hall measurement solution. The M91 and Lake Shore’s Hall insert can be seamlessly integrated into Quantum Design’s PPMS. Plus, it is optimised for low noise and resistances up to 200 GΩ.

The diagram below is a close-up of the sample connections on the Hall insert. The M91 supports both van der Pauw (4-connection) and Hall bar (6-connection) geometries. These samples are wired to the Lake Shore sample board, which snaps inside the insert.
When the insert is loaded into the PPMS, these sample connections are fully guarded up to the M91 via triaxial cables (included in the kit). The integrated Cernox® sensor connections go to the PPMS, enabling temperature readings directly through MultiVu.

Lake Shore sample board
Samples mount to consumable Lake Shore sample carrier boards (also pin compatible with Quantum Design sample carrier boards); 12 are included in the kit.

- Fastest measurement with reduced settling time
- Best performance for low-noise, low-current measurement
- Fully guarded from instrument to sample
Related literature
FastHall™ Analysis Kits for Hall Measurement Integration with Quantum Design PPMS®
M91 FastHall™ Analysis Kit for PPMS®
Fully Guarded Hall Insert for Measurement Integration with Quantum Design PPMS®