NEW! Quantum Science and Technology Magazine
In this International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, QDUKI presents this inaugural edition of our Quantum Magazine. FREE!
In this International Year of Quantum Science and Technology, QDUKI presents this inaugural edition of our Quantum Magazine. FREE!
Lake Shore Cryotronics offers a number of solutions for quantum technologies, with applications including quantum computing, communication, sensing and metrology.
Calling all early career researchers or those setting up a cryogenics lab!
We are excited to exclusively offer the CryoCore closed-cycle optical cryostat from Montana Instruments, ideal for b
“We were looking for a closed-cycle magneto-optical cryostat that is capable of performing atomic force microscopy (AFM) and scanning optical near-field microscopy (s-SNOM) in high magnetic f
Montana customers are changing the world through applications of quantum computing, quantum sensing, quantum networking, quantum education, and quantum materials research. Montana Instruments under
Quantum Research Examples and Case Study – Using rare-Earth doped materials to characterise closed-cycle cryostats for QIS applications.