Title: XANES/ EXAFS of Batteries & Heterogenous Catalysts at Low Concentrations (<1%) Using a Novel Laboratory XAS System
Webinar Content
In this live webinar, SH Lau will introduce a novel XAS system called the QuantumLeap H2000. We will discuss the patented design of the QuantumLeap system and its many breakthrough innovations, including a high brightness source with low spectral contamination and a small focal spot in combination with high quality Johansson crystals to produce high quality XANES & EXAFS spectra. Potential applications of the system include high throughput screening of materials and for in situ / in operando cell development to maximise efficiency at the synchrotron.
X-ray absorption Spectrometry (XAS) is a powerful technique to investigate local atomic geometry (bond length, coordination number) and chemical state of almost any type of material. The technique has primarily been carried out using synchrotron XAS tools, but in recent years, laboratory XAS systems have become available, offering 24-7 accessibility and eliminating logistical challenges for analysing proprietary samples.
However, laboratory XAS has primarily been limited to elemental concentrations of >5wt% (often even more, at >10-20wt%) because they can only achieve transmission geometry XAS. This is problematic for battery and heterogeneous catalyst applications that require <5wt% or samples that cannot be prepared as a very thin sample.
Synchrotron-like Performance in a Laboratory XAS System

Sigray QuantumLeap H2000 X-Ray Absorption Spectroscopy (XAS) System
First laboratory XAS system with both transmission and fluorescence mode XAS
Sigray’s QuantumLeap-H2000 is the first commercially available laboratory XAS system with fluorescence geometry capabilities for concentrations as low as 0.1wt% with good SNR. In this webinar, we will explain the working principles of the system and show real-world examples of f-XAS on battery and catalyst samples at low concentrations. This will include high Z materials, such as Pt and Pd, which are typically extremely challenging for most lab based XAS systems even at high concentrations.

Any questions ahead of the event?
Please contact Dr. Satyam Ladva (Technical Product Manager) on 01372 377882 or email with your enquiry.