Royce Cambridge Open Hours – Magnetic Property Measurement System 🗓 🗺

A free one-hour tour of the Royce Institute’s Magnetic Property Measurement System in the Maxwell Centre at the University of Cambridge.

If your research interests require detailed measurements of advanced functional magnetic materials, devices, and circuits, in which magnetic, electronic, optical and thermal properties are strongly coupled the Quantum Design cryogen-free Magnetic Property Measurement System (MPMS) may be of interest. The MPMS has an operational temperature range of 1.8-400 K, 7 Tesla magnet, and modules for the application of multiple external fields, including: magnetic, electric, mechanical, thermal, and optical fields.

The system has a magnetic moment sensitivity of better than 10-8 emu and enables detailed, long-duration, measurements and testing of magnetic phenomena in materials and devices that exhibit a strong coupling between their magnetic and electronic/thermal/optical properties.

This tour will give an overview of the capabilities of the Magnetic Property Measurement System as well as information on booking, funding opportunities and the work of the Royce Institute.

If you’re interested please book a tour for these facilities here:


Quantum Design MPMS 3 Magnetometer

Magnetic Property Measurement System

Quantum Design’s MPMS 3 provides users with the sensitivity of a SQUID magnetometer and the choice of multiple measurement modes, offering new levels of performance in magnetic research while including those aspects of past Quantum Design SQUID magnetometers that customers have grown to appreciate and depend on.

Want to know more about the Quantum Design MPMS3?

Get in touch with our Technical Director, Dr. Shayz Ikram, by email or call (01372) 378822.

For more information about Royce Facilities at Cambridge please contact and see our full equipment listing at:

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