Mueller matrix ellipsometry is one of the hottest topics in the ellipsometry field. Just like “standard ellipsometry”, this non-destructive, optical characterisation technique measures the change of polarisation of light upon reflection from or transmission through a sample. However, Mueller matrix ellipsometry is not limited to measuring isotropic samples where film thickness and optical constants are the primary interest. On the contrary, the Mueller matrix contains all essential optical information, from intensity propagation, over cross-polarisation due to linear and circular birefringence (LB and CB), linear and circular dichroism (LD and CD), retardance, to depolarisation.
Essentially, any optical effect possible will be described by a Mueller matrix. By measuring the Mueller matrix, we can characterise the most advanced applications. Some examples include arbitrarily anisotropic, crystalline substrates and films, birefringence in stretched polymer foils as found in roll-to-roll applications, polarisation filters in AR/VR devices or cameras, entire liquid crystal cells, oriented nanostructures, bio and metamaterials, or periodic 3d structured surfaces in semiconductor metrology.
In this webinar, the basic concept of the Mueller matrix and measurement approaches using any J.A. Woollam ellipsometer will be introduced. We identified a few representative cases to demonstrate extraction of the desired material and device properties from the raw data.
This webinar is designed for engineers and scientists who either have an interest or need to learn about the basic principles of Mueller matrix ellipsometry. Industrial as well as research related topics will be covered. Prior knowledge of standard ellipsometry will help to relate to more advanced concepts but is not a requirement.