Keep checking back for the recording! Since many, if not all, scientific meetings have been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, we have unfortunately lost the opportunity to interact directly with our users in person at conferences, workshops, and application seminars. In response, Quantum Design US Applications Department would like to provide you the opportunity to virtually interact with them.
After a brief presentation outlining the network of resources they have available online at all times for users, they will be happy to take your questions and will answer as many of them as they can.
Example Questions:
- How do I account for remanent magnetic fields in my measurements?
- How do I incorporate 3rd party instruments?
You can submit questions in writing during the live question and answer session or submit them beforehand by simply emailing
All questions will be anonymous.
About the Applications Team
Randy Dumas received his Ph.D. in 2009 from the University of California, Davis on the topic of reversal mechanisms in magnetic nanostructures. As a postdoctoral fellow at the University of Gothenburg, Sweden he studied next generation magnetic and spin wave based data storage and processing paradigms. Randy joined Quantum Design in August 2016 and his speciality lies primarily in magnetic characterisation of both fundamentally interesting and technologically relevant materials.
Tom Hogan received his Ph.D. in 2016 from Boston College for the study of the effects of charge doping in bilayer iridate compounds using neutron and x-ray scattering techniques. Tom joined Quantum Design in January 2017 where his focus has been on thermal and electrical characterisation methods alongside customer outreach and education.