SAN DIEGO, Calif. – August 19, 2019 – Quantum Design took part in a unique symposium entitled “Correlated Electron Materials” which was held in conjunction with a celebration honouring the 50 year career of Professor M. Brian Maple at UC San Diego. Professor Maple is the Bernd T. Matthias Professor of Physics and former Chair of the UC San Diego Physics Department. The symposium was held in the Natural Sciences Building Auditorium at UC San Diego. Alumni, collaborators, past students, and current students of Professor Maple travelled from all over the United States and abroad to participate in this symposium and report about their current research.
Prof. Maple presented a keynote address, outlining the rich history of correlated electron physics and material research carried out by his research group over the years, a tradition inherited from his mentor, the late Professor Bernd T. Matthias. Speakers reported on leading edge research topics, encompassing varied research subjects ranging from superconductivity to non-Fermi liquid behaviour in novel materials (see full program).
In addition to topics from academic research, several members of the government and industry sectors were invited to present their work. Quantum Design scientists presented their current work in instrumentation and enhanced measurement techniques including AC Susceptibility Measurements for the PPMS Dilution Refrigerator, and the PPMS Dilatometer.