The First Fully Integrated 3-Axis Cryogenic Nanopositioner
The Rook™ is specifically designed for use in Montana Instruments’ CryoAdvance™ workhorse cryostat (released in September 2021), a low-vibration, cryogen-free system that allows users to access cryogenic temperatures in a 50mm (3.2K – 350K) or 100mm (3.4K-350K) sample chamber. It can also be utilised in the Cryostation® s200, Montana Instruments’ largest and most versatile closed-cycle cryostat, with 200mm of sample space of configuration. Other features include:

- 3-axis design for optimal sample temperature and motion control
- Low vibrations
- Robust and reliable design
- Fully integrated plug-and-play control
- Galaxy software control, remote monitoring, and scripting
- Best-in-class thermal links
The Rook stands out as the only nanopositioning system available with multi-axis runout and bidirectional repeatability specified at the sample location across the full travel range, delivering performance achievable from anywhere within the motion envelope.
To distinguish even further, The Rook’s performance specifications are measured and validated at the top of the stack in a 4 Kelvin environment while mounted in an operational 100mm Cryostation platform. This mirrors typical laboratory use cases and uniquely provides users with a new peak level of understanding of their sample’s expected three-dimensional motion.
“The Rook™ has the lowest 3-axis vibrations to keep samples in focus. Performance for The Rook is specified at the top of the 3-axis stack, providing the user with clear expectations of what is happening at the sample in terms of temperature, vibrations, and bi-directional run-out.”
Sal Guarnieri, Product Manager, Montana Instruments
Coupled with the reliability of a robust positioner that stands up to everyday handling and operation, Montana Instruments has set a new standard of nanopositioning performance. In addition, the motion system is integrated into Montana Instruments’ Galaxy SW and touchscreen architecture for intuitive control and single-access-point scripting to the entire cryogenic ecosystem.

All units include proprietary flex-link to
maximise thermal performance

Compatible with all standard adapter and
sample mount options
“The Rook™ is a game changer in cryogenic nanopositioner technology. We’re excited to make it available in our configurable cryostats.”
Mark Carroll, CEO, Montana Instruments

Any questions about the The Rook from Montana Instruments?
Call our Technical Sales Manager, Dr. Luke Nicholls on (01372) 378822 or email him here.