For Coronavirus, SARS, Ebola
Use Infrared Cameras for Temperature Scanning
Major travel hubs like airports, seaports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are one of the points on which the security measures of public authorities are aimed when infectious diseases cause global problems, such as:
- Coronavirus (2019-nCoV, COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2)
- Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
- Ebola Virus Disease (EVD)
- Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV)
From there, diseases can be effectively prevented from spreading further.
InfraTec infrared cameras can be used for a corresponding elevated body temperature scanning of passengers, employee scanning and workplace entrance screening. Certainly, thermographic cameras can neither detect the virus itself nor a person carrying the virus! However, these cameras enable the precise non-reactive, contactless and planar recording of surface temperatures while using the technical temperature measurement technology known as thermography. Hence, they are highly suitable for the quick and easy detection of elevated body temperatures, which can be an indication of a possible virus infection of people subjected to screening.
The body temperature preferably is detected at the inner angle of the eye with the infrared camera. Slightest differences and thus abnormal body temperatures can be displayed and will result in alarms. Performing such health screenings, e.g. via implementing temperature checkpoints for example for employee screening, enable the acquisition of important information as a basis for decision-making for subsequent medical examinations of the selected people and thus serve to secure public areas.
Such indications must, of course, always be followed by other examination methods that allow a reliable positive or negative statement about the disease and to initiate appropriate actions!

Advantages of THERMAL-CHECK at a Glance
- Reliable detection of persons with elevated body temperature
- Compliance with data protection guidelines: no collection of biometric data or ID cards, no comparison with personal registers
- Screening of several people at the same time, even when moving, with consistently high measurement accuracy
- High-resolution, repeatable measurement technology thanks to high geometrical and thermal resolution with at least (640 x 480) IR pixels for absolute precision
- Camera can be used flexibly for other measuring tasks, e.g. in research and development, quality assurance, etc.