Janis VariTemp Cryostat Systems
Variable temperature cryostats
The Janis Research VariTemp (VT-200) system is an exchange gas insert for use with Janis CNDT series Dewars. The VT-200 offers an operational range of 4.2 to 77 K (LHe) and 77 to 300 K (LN2) with enhanced temperature stability for use in optical and non-optical experiments.
The VT-200 utilises an exchange gas column to form an adjustable thermal link between the sample and the liquid cryogen. The output from a bifilarly wound heater on the sample mount is monitored and controlled by an automatic temperature controller to provide accurate sample temperature. Samples are located in the exchange gas column.
Variable temperature cryostats with the sample located in a column of static exchange gas. These systems offer excellent temperature stability and are used with LHe and LN2 as needed.
- Detachable tail Dewar
- Electrical feedthrough port(s)
- Exchange gas manifold
- Safety pressure relief valve
- Temperature sensor
- System test
Go to the Options and Accessories page for the VT-200