Liquid Phase Electron Microscopy Workshop – Gallery and Reviews

On the 12 November 2019, we headed up to UCL to welcome a select group of delegates for a workshop hosted by ourselves and DENSsolutions.

Delegates present were a combination of University Professors, Postdocs, PhD students and industry representatives.

This was a DENSsolutions and Quantum Design UK and Ireland collaboration with Prof. Giuseppe Battaglia and Dr. Lorena Ruiz-Perez, in partnership with the EPSRC/Jeol Centre for LPEM at UCL, London UK. PhD student Mr Cesare de-Pace assisted with the running and setting-up of the TEM microscope.

Dr. Lorena Ruiz-Perez, Prof. Guiseppe Battaglia, Cesare de-Pace, Dr. Hongyu Sun, Satyam Ladva
Dr. Lorena Ruiz-Perez, Prof. Guiseppe Battaglia, Cesare de-Pace, Dr. Hongyu Sun, Satyam Ladva


DENSsolutions Quantum Design UK and Ireland LPEM Workshop Agenda
DENSsolutions, Quantum Design UK and Ireland, LPEM Workshop Agenda

Our Technical Sales Engineer, Dr. Satyam Ladva started the day with his opening remarks.

Dr. Hongyu Sun, Applications Specialist for DENSsolutions, then spoke about the product features and applications of the Stream holder.

Hongyu Sun presents the product features and applications for the DENSsolutions Stream In-Situ TEM (  Liquid and Biasing or Heating)
Hongyu Sun presents the product features and applications for the DENSsolutions Stream In-Situ TEM (  Liquid and Biasing or Heating)
DENSsolutions Stream In-Situ TEM Liquid

Dr Lorena Ruiz-Perez presented “Brownian Tomography and Single Particle Analysis of Soft Materials and Protein in Water”. She discussed the application of in-situ liquid TEM for protein and ferritin-based applications. Many discussions between the attendees and hosts followed these talks.

Lorena Ruiz-Perez DENSsolutions Quantum Design at UCL
Dr. Lorena Ruiz-Perez

The afternoon demo session was particularly useful. We had a great observation of the TEM, Stream software and Gatan camera capabilities – but it came to life when viewing all of them in combination. We also had the opportunity to see the Battaglia group’s fantastic laboratory facilities.

It was very useful to see the potential application for in-situ EM, along with practical demonstrations of the technology

Lewis Anderson, The Open University



The overall workshop experience rated at 96%. Relevance scored at 90%. Topics rated 83% and practical demonstrations scored 86%.

Very clear, concise and useful overview of the application possibilities

Mathias Rothmann, Dept. of Physics, University of Oxford

The event proved to be very popular – all spaces were filled within a couple of days, leaving us with quite a few disappointed people. Who we will keep in touch with about future similar events. If you would like to be considered for one of these exclusive events in the future, please let us know here.

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