Raptor Photonics continues to push the boundaries in scientific SWIR imaging
Raptor Photonics has launched the Ninox 640 SU, a vacuum cooled InGaAs based camera with 640×512 sensor with a 15µm x 15µm pixel pitch for the highest spatial resolution.
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Raptor Photonics has launched the Ninox 640 SU, a vacuum cooled InGaAs based camera with 640×512 sensor with a 15µm x 15µm pixel pitch for the highest spatial resolution.
From our partners at Raptor Photonics More astronomers are looking into the SWIR bands these days. A German researcher, Dr. Sebastian Voltmer, has been looking at the inner planet Venus as a Ring n
Exciting new products launching at Photonics West event, San Francisco Our new partner, Raptor Photonics will be launching some new and exciting cameras at the world’s premier camera show, Photon