Real-Time Imaging of Nanoscale Redox Reactions over Bimetallic Particles

Real‐Time Imaging of Nanoscale Redox Reactions over Bimetallic Nanoparticles

Real-Time Imaging of Nanoscale Redox Reactions over Bimetallic Particles

This recent article from National University of Singapore about the catalyst activity of bimetallic nanoparticles clearly demonstrates the versatility of the Climate G+ gas & heating system that was used for the in situ TEM experiments.

Video 1: In situ TEM movie of a Pt–Ni rhombic dodecahedron NP undergoing oxidation reaction in 20% O2 / 80% N2 gaseous environment at 400 °C inside a gas cell.
Video 2: In situ TEM movie of a Pt–Ni rhombic dodecahedron NP undergoing reduction reaction in 5% H2 / 95% N2 gaseous environment at 400 °C inside a gas cell.

Fast switching between oxidising and reducing gas conditions allows direct observation of the morphological changes in the catalyst material. The videos above also demonstrate the UHR image stability at in situ conditions.

Combining the images and videos from this experiment with SAED, EDS and Mass Spectroscopy results gives valuable information about the areas where the catalyst is most active.

Read the full article here.

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