Focus On Wildfire In-Situ TEM

Real-time imaging of thermal dynamics

The Wildfire In-Situ Heating Series enables researchers to perform thermal studies in a controlled and stable environment within your TEM. Catering for a variety of application spaces, the Wildfire In-Situ Heating Series transforms your high-end TEM from a static imaging tool to a multi-functional laboratory.


Get more from your TEM, 3 reasons to choose for Wildfire

Investigating materials while changing temperature expands the application space of conventional TEM and enhances its already powerful imaging capabilities. The Wildfire system allows for researchers to heat from room temperature to 1,300 °C with the ultimate temperature control and ultimate sample stability in all directions. The stability of the Wildfire system ensures that the full resolution and analytical performance of every TEM can be maintained while observing sample dynamics at elevated temperature.

Reason 1: High-impact publications

Experiment: Thermal degradation of perovskite solar cell

Obtaining the ‘game changing’ experimental results is the goal of any researcher – academic or industry. The team at Cambridge University focusing on energy related materials used the Wildfire system to study perovskite solar cells and their degradation processes during heating.

These solar cells have become increasingly popular; however, the stability and lifetime of such devices at elevated temperatures are of concern. In-Situ TEM was used to understand the changes in morphology and chemical composition, leading to an improved understanding of the degradation evolution and Nature Energy publication.

Heat-induced degradation of perovskite solar cells. G Divitini, et al. University of Cambridge. Nature Energy 2016. DOI: 10.1038/nenergy.2015.12

Reason 2: Real time dynamics

Behaviour at the macroscale is strongly linked to atomic arrangement and its transformation. In this example Ru nanoparticles supported on silica are heated to 1300’C using a DENSsolution Wildfire system.

At that temperature, the SiO2 sphere evaporates and the Ru nanoparticles become very mobile. The emphasised nanoparticle changes from round to square.

This shape change can be studied in detail, due to the technology behind DENSsolutions heating systems, which ensures high sample stability, sub-A˚ resolution and therefore enables deeper understanding of the processes involved.

Courtesy of Gatan

Reason 3: High temperature EDS

Chemical analysis while heating is extremely important to understand the dynamics of temperature-induced transformations High quality EDS analysis at elevated temperatures is challenging due to the intense generation of infrared radiation during heating, which disturbs the X-Ray spectral acquisition.

DENSsolutions provides the technology and the experimental evidence that In-Situ EDS at elevated temperatures is reliable and robust technique across a large temperature range. For the first time it was shown that EDS analysis is possible even at 1000’C.

Acquired on a Wildfire S3. Maps courtesy of Bruker

Wildfire Application Fields

  • LowD Materials
  • Nanotechnology
  • Materials Engineering
  • Materials for Energy Applications
  • Soft Matter Systems



“In-Situ TEM provides a new dimension in dynamic structural studies of a range of technologically important materials. The Department of Materials at Oxford will use the DENSsolutions sample heating holder in a number of projects related to catalysis and low dimensional carbon materials. We have chosen this solution for its unrivaled stability and control.”


DENSsolutions Wildfire Brochure

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